21st March: 14th World Down Syndrome Day Conference

Join Down Syndrome International online and in-person at the United Nations in New York.

Event | 03.03.25

On 21st March 2025, Down Syndrome International will host the 14th World Down Syndrome Day Conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

The Down Syndrome International network is calling on all Governments to Improve Our Support Systems. They write:

“Many countries do not have support systems that meet the needs of people with disabilities and their families. Or, the support systems they have do not respect the human rights of people with disabilities. Governments must make sure there is a support system, so people with disabilities are included in the community.”

At the Conference, self-advocates and more experts will speak up about support systems and what needs to be improved, and leaders will be asked to make changes so people with Down Syndrome and other disabilities are included in the community.

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Citizen Network's Global Ambassador Fionn Crombie Angus will be speaking at the conference, he says:

“The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities states that people like me are entitled to choice and control in their lives, like other citizens. Yet too many governments lock people into so-called support systems that actually expect people to do what they're told. It's time for major change.”

To find out more, register to attend and for the live links to the conference, visit: https://events.ds-int.org/14thWorldDownSyndromeDayConference#/?lang=en