20 September: Mapping for Citizen Action

Join us online to explore the power of maps and the capacity they give citizens to take action.

Event | 18.08.23

Citizens are people who can say:

“I belong to this place and it's people and I am willing to act from responsibility for my belonging.” 

John O'Brien

Maps can be powerful. They can tell a story, sharing information on those things that represent challenges, social injustices, and system issues. Maps can also shine a light on what is strong, those things that help us build community.

What if we gathered to talk about the power of maps for helping us to find our citizenship and create opportunity to take action?

We invite you to join us for an online conversation to explore the power of maps.

We will:

You don’t need to be an expert in mapping just curious about the power of mapping for citizen action!

Date: 20th September 2023
Time: 3:00 - 4:30pm BST • 10:00 - 11:30am EST
Venue: online

Register for a ticket now at: https://actionnetwork.org/events/mapping-for-citizen-action/

This event is hosted by Community Development Halton and Citizen Network.

Community Development Halton (CDH) is a non-profit organisation, based in Ontario, working on building vibrant and inclusive communities, find out more at: https://cdhalton.ca

NB: this event will take place on Zoom and after registering you will receive instructions on how to join in on the day.