When in doubt ask the children

Young people are our best resource, Colin Newton of Inclusive Solutions shares 6 simple steps to encourage inclusion.

Author: Colin Newton, Inclusive Solutions

How often do we feel stuck when trying to include a child or young person? 

This gets more pressing when their behaviour really presses everyone’s buttons! So often we will reach out to experts – advisors, therapists, psychologists and other service land people. They of course are full of great advice…

What we still in 2019 forget to do is – ask our best and ever present resource - free at the point of delivery – ask the children!

In our experience some of the most sophisticated theories and strategies have been shared by children as young as 4 years through the teenage years and up to young adults in their 20s and beyond. It's probably best for the focus young person not to be in the room, to keep it safe for them and to free up the peer group if asking the whole class or tutor group.

If working with a circle of friends, team or small group and you can safely facilitate the process then the child could be present too.

So, it’s simple follow these steps with the young people:

• What’s happening?
• Why do you think this is happening?
• What are your theories/understandings?
• What would help?
• What could you do?
• First steps?

Let us know how you get on!

If you like this mindset invite us in to lead some training on Peer Support, Circle of Friends or Peer Mediation. Take a look at our website: https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/

Article | 23.10.19

community, disability, education, Inclusive Education, Person-Centred Planning, England, Article

Colin Newton



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