Stop People Dying Too Young

Project to stop people with a learning disability dying too young.

Author: Karen Parry

A big part of Inclusion North’s work in the North East and Yorkshire and Humber is around preventing people with a learning disability dying too young, also known as the LeDeR programme. 

Research has shown that people with a learning disability can die up to 29 years earlier than other people – and often these early deaths can be prevented. This is wrong and it has to stop.

In the North East we facilitate the Stop People with a Learning Disability Dying Too Young Group.

This is a Confirm and Challenge group made up of self advocates and family carers.

The group is funded by the North East and North Cumbria LeDeR steering group. 

The group meet once a month. 

We have spoken at local and national conferences, raising awareness of the issue. We work with the steering group to ask challenging questions about what is being learned from the Leder reviews. The reviews look at the lives people led and the care they received. We ask, ‘would they have been treated differently if they did not have a learning disability?’ This shows up health inequalities. 

We work on campaigns to make change happen.

An easy-read summary of our work in July is here.

The Group has also published a report: 

A response to the Leder Annual Report from the Stop People with a Learning Disability Dying Too Young Confirm and Challenge Group

Further information is available on Inclusion North's website:

For more information contact Karen at Inclusion North:

Project | 21.08.19

disability, England, Project

Karen Parry


CEO of Inclusion North CIC