How to support the UBI movement

How to get involved in advocating for basic income.

Basic Income is the idea that everyone should have enough money to live with dignity. Everyone should have enough to be able to act as a free and independent citizen.

Currently there is a global movement to campaign for basic income, and lots of ways Citizen Network members can get involved in the movement:

  1. Join the UBI Lab Network
  2. Subscribe to BIEN - Basic Income Earth Network
  3. Join your national basic income group  
  4. Follow Scott Santens
  5. Subscribe to the Citizen Network Research newsletter
  6. Create your own local group

Several Citizen Network members are also directly involved in work on basic income:

World Basic Income

Citizen Network Research is part of UBI Lab Sheffield 

[This page is in the process of being updated]

Handbook | 14.05.19

Basic Income, Citizen Network, tax and benefits, England, Handbook

James Lock


Director of Opus Independents Ltd

Jim Elder-Woodward OBE


Campaigner and Researcher

John Dalrymple


Director of Radical Visions

Malcolm Henry


Director of QEI Projects Ltd

Simon Duffy


President of Citizen Network

James Lock


Director of Opus Independents Ltd

Jim Elder-Woodward OBE


Campaigner and Researcher

John Dalrymple


Director of Radical Visions

Malcolm Henry


Director of QEI Projects Ltd

Simon Duffy


President of Citizen Network

Also see