Films from the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship

A series of films developed by the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship.

A series of films developed by the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship.

This series supports the Centre’s commitment to help transform human service systems so people with intellectual, physics and psycho-social disabilities and senior can live as full citizens.

Watch them at:

Film | 15.02.18

community, Inclusion, Film

Brian Salisbury


Video & photo coordinator for Citizen Network.

Rachelle Hole


Co-Director of the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship & joint coordinator of Citizen Network Canada

Tim Stainton


Co-Director of the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship & joint coordinator of Citizen Network Canada

Brian Salisbury


Video & photo coordinator for Citizen Network.

Rachelle Hole


Co-Director of the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship & joint coordinator of Citizen Network Canada

Tim Stainton


Co-Director of the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship & joint coordinator of Citizen Network Canada