Nathaniel Whitestone


Over the past three decades I've cofounded the Ecovillage Network of the Americas, BloomWhite Real Wealth Investing, Sociocracy UK, the Healthy Power Alliance, A Fairer Society, SONEC (both in the EU and the UK), the CTRL Shift Community of Practice, and LivingCities.Earth. I brought Sociocracy to the UK in 2007 and co-taught the first online classes in how to organise Neighbourhood Parliaments with master teacher Joseph Rathinam.

I have worked as an angel investor, a community organiser, a property developer, and as a coach, facilitator, trainer, and consultant. I have led (or served) agile software development teams, international development projects (on 5 continents) and community (esp. cohousing and regenerative village) development projects.

Today I serve organisations and communities as a consultant through A Fairer Society, LivingCities.Earth, Governance Alive, and Citizen Network. I serve on the executive team of the CTRL Shift collective impact network. I am focused on developing a system for sharing Sociocracy and the Sociocratic Neighbourhood Circles model, and supporting the communities and organisations that are using these models to create thriving local ecosystems, economies, cultures, and people.