Tanya Moore


Tanya is a registered Social Worker with 25 years’ experience in both statutory and voluntary sector services, mainly supporting people who have learning disabilities. She currently teaches at the University of Hertfordshire on the Social Work programmes and is Leader for the post qualifying MSc module in Personalisation.

She is also a freelance trainer and consultant and promotes the inclusion of person centred approaches into all aspects of social work practice.

Tanya lives in Hertfordshire with James and their two boys Alex and Louie. Since the arrival of the boys, Tanya listens to less loud music and has started running. This is physical as well as metaphorical and she is about to attempt her third half marathon.

As a Mum who is trying to explain aspects of the world to two young people, Tanya has become more aware of the motivations that have driven her working life; a passionate commitment to human rights, a profound sense of enjoyment and privilege in getting to meet and know people and real satisfaction in seeing achievement and progress. These are common values for Social Workers.

Tanya’s aim in teaching and training is to find creative ways to enable practitioners to develop a deeper understanding of how Personalisation can be an expression of Social Work values and what it can mean to them within their statutory role as well as to the people that they are supporting.

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