Stephen Finlayson


Stephen is the Head of Innovation and Improvement at Penumbra. Since 1997 he has worked in supporting people to move into their own homes, initially through the closing of a residential home and in recent years working with people with highly negative reputations, whose previous support has broken down.

Stephen has worked as a research assistant on a project looking at risk in the context of the Scottish Adult Support and Protection Act and my interest in risk has grown since then. Increasingly, he is beginning to think that the entire paradigm of risk in social care is a damaging one which needs challenged and re-conceptualised.

Stephen is also a trustee for Edinburgh Young Carers Project and feels that young carers make a contribution to our society that is much overlooked and under supported. 

Stephen also has a strong interest in visual impairment issues as his family is affected by a significant genetic visual impairment and he is particularly interested in educational and employment inclusion for visually impaired people.

Outside of work most of Stephen's time is spent with his two young children and a still to be fully trained, somewhat boisterous Labrador. Any spare time is generally spent attempting to raise his guitar playing skills beyond their long standing mediocrity.

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