Michael Croft


Michael has been actively involved in the social economy and sustainable community-owned enterprise since the mid-1980’s. Although Michael trained in and currently runs a consultancy promoting business, people and organisational development, he is by background an Anglican Clergyman and Social Entrepreneur.

From the late 1980s until 2007 Michael worked in challenging urban, multi-faith and multi-ethnic communities. This included the design, implementation and development of an innovative community-owned co-operative based in Wakefield which played host to a number of social enterprises. These social enterprises were the context for local people to learn skills in business and enterprise. The co-operative was also the context for care at a neighbourhood level. For, from the early 1990s Michael began to hold the view that demand-led, state provided welfare provision was unsustainable and that individuals and communities should be freed to take responsibility for aspects of their own care.

As an established practitioner, Michael received the Home Office “Local Hero” award in 2005 and was, uniquely featured by the Archbishop of Canterbury in his presidential address to the general Synod. Michael also contributed to Faithful Cities, the church’s 20 year follow-up the Faith in the City Report.

Through Michael’s current work, he is engaged in research and reflection amongst his commercial activity promoting values-led enterprise. As such he has written training materials on the theme Promoting Innovation through Diversity. 

Michael has recently launched the linkedin group Values in Business and a new organisation: Innovation People.

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