Kellie Woodley


Kellie Woodley has recently become a Director at People First, an independent advocacy charity based in the North of England.

Kellie previously worked for Inclusion North as a project manager for the North East of England, having worked in the voluntary and community sector for many years. She began her career working alongside people and families in the advocacy movement designing and exploring representational advocacy and user involvement, supporting and influencing local government. Kellie’s experience in supporting the advocacy movement led to her contributing to the national advocacy qualification.

In 2007 Kellie was part of the Paradigm delivery team leading the first Self-Directed Support programme in England. Kellie led and supported Cambridge and Richmond local authorities to pave the way for self-directed support for people with learning disabilities and their families.

Kellie has spent the last few years understanding and exploring the mental capacity act for families and workers. Kellie has practised as an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) and shared her approaches and thinking in a Guide to Supported Decision Making published by Paradigm (2008). 

Kellie’s interest in supporting local and sustainable community innovation, particularly in line with personalisation has led to exploration of support brokerage – ‘how does a community support someone to be in control’. 

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