Katja Valkama PhD


Katja Valkama is Research and Development Manager and Principal lecturer at SeinäjokiUniversity of Applied Sciences. She is Visiting Fellow at the University of South Wales. Katja is a member of the board at Finnish Society for Disability Research and board member in the Nordic Network on Disability Research representing Finalnd. Katja has specialized in social services and welfare systems and is an expert in autism spectrum disorders, especially how to support people with ASD in everyday life. 

Katja is Doctor of Administrative Sciences and Master of social sciences. In her PhD thesis she studied the role of the customer or client in Finnish social and health care. The focus was on the most disadvantaged and marginalised people. She also has a degree in youth work.

Katja has worked on several projects, developing welfare services for families and people with disabilities or autism spectrum disorders. She has participated in different research projects, but her focus has always been on those who are often considered the most marginalised in one way or another. Current research projects involve participation, accessibility, sustainable care and health inequalities experienced by people with disabilities. 

Katja lives in a small town of Jurva in Western Finland with her husband. All three children have already their own families. She enjoys reading, movies, music, travelling, experimental cooking, good food and excellent wine. Everything gets better when you get to share those things with friends. The best place for her to rewind is the family cottage by a quiet little lake.

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