Clive Tuck


Clive is the Founder and ex-CEO of the Hub in Yeovil and has over 26 years’ experience of working across the public and voluntary sector in the fields of social care, special education, youth and community development. His work with people with learning disabilities and autism has been based around promoting active citizenship through commissioning led by the individual.

The Hub was inspired following his work with the National Transition Support Programme (NTSP). His work across England was to support new commissioning approaches to improve transition pathways for children with disabilities moving into adult services, recognising the challenges faced by individuals and their families in receiving consistency of support.

Clive’s work in the independent special education helped him to recognise and appreciate the pressures on local authorities to offer appropriate in-house provision. His work was the springboard into the NTSP where he worked with health colleagues from the Child Health and Maternity Partnership and the National Children’s Bureau to build a national picture of good practice in preparing disabled children for adulthood. Clive’s interest and focus continues to be on creating approaches that empower individuals to be in control of their money and choices with support that is timely, agile and as free from the on-costs of institutional delivery as possible.

The rewards of a community’s social capital to connect individual’s talents, ambitions and aspirations has been a strong motivation and foundation to Clive’s work over the last decade, recognising the value of an asset-based approach to his work. Clive continues to seek ways to understand and dismantle the barriers to getting involved and engaging fully in civil society and supporting organisations in their pursuit of these aims.

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