Amanda is passionate about equality and helping people to speak up for their rights. She has spent the last fifteen years working to get the voice of people with a learning disability heard both locally and nationally.
Amanda has a mild learning disability and when she was young, professionals told her parents not to have high expectations of her working or living an independent life. She has gone on to prove doctors and education authorities wrong, by having a paid job and living independently.
Amanda works as Assistant Manager for People First Forum (previously Bournemouth People First and Poole Forum). She was also the Accessibility Officer for their successful LifeLink project. Amanda organises groups and events, designs and delivers training, and supports others to speak up. Her varied role also includes being part of People First’s Citizen Checkers Service, being a Person Centred Planning facilitator and co-chairing the Bournemouth and Poole Learning Disability Partnership Board, and much more!
Amanda always works to improve her skills and knowledge and training she has attended includes Training for Change and Tomorrow’s Leaders and Project Management.
Amanda’s colleagues know her as the Networking Queen! She is very good at working with other people and talking to them at events and meetings. She has worked with self-advocacy organisations locally, regionally and nationally.