How We Work

We are a global community and non-profit cooperative.

Citizen Network is a global movement, formed to create a world where everyone matters – where everyone can be an equal citizen.

We work together – locally and globally – to create welcoming communities for everyone and to form a powerful movement for change all around the world.

Citizen Network builds on all the great work of its many members to:

  1. Inspire action – by publishing stories, videos, pictures and information on its website, newsletter, and by using social media we help people find out what others have done.
  2. Connect people – by organising events, webinars and meetings we help people make friends allies and build a stronger community.
  3. Pool energy – by pooling resources, energy, money, information, skills and different methods we help each other be more effective.
  4. Collaboration – by working together to create new projects, research and campaigns we help change the world to achieve our share goal.

Citizen Network is growing and we expect our organisation to evolve as we develop. Currently we have three kinds of members:

  1. Individual membership
  2. Group membership
  3. Coop membership

Individual Members

Any individual can join Citizen Network for free. You can join here.

Group Members

Any group, association or organisation can join Citizen Network for free.

Group members must appoint a suitable link person who will:

  1. Pass on information from Citizen Network to members of their group
  2. Share useful information from their group with Citizen Network
  3. Look for opportunities to work with other members of Citizen Network

Your group can join here.